Monday 9 October 2017

Hops & Robbers Grapefruit IPA

Hops & Robbers Grapefruit IPA is new spin on a pretty solid IPA from Double Trouble Brewing Co. from Guelph, Ontario. Billed as "crazy delicious", I'd like to have a talk with the folks at Double Trouble about ableist language. The 5.9% alcohol ale comes in 473mL cans.

H&R Grapefruit has a handsome hazy, orange-copper hue and pours with a nice almost-white head. It has a formidable ruby red grapefruit nose--juicy, but bitter, with just a whiff of candy sweetness. The flavour takes a similar tack, with an emphasis on grapefruit zest and a seriously dry finish.

As I've said before, I'm suspicious of grapefruit flavoured IPAs, because it is such a naturally-complimentary flavour that can often be achieved by dry hopping. However, this little beaut really embraced its pulpy, juicy, and bitter namesake. Many IPAs taste like grapefruit, but this one exudes it. The only serious complaint that I have is that, unlike the aroma, the flavour is a bit over-sweet.

Rating: 8.5 out of 10.

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